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Tu  régere imperio fluctus, Hispane memento

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                                                    Translation by courtesy   Dr. Desmond Gorham (Portsmouth)
In Memorian
Ship relation of the Spanish Armada: 1500 - 1900
Artillery history
Navel artillery  
Naval comanders

Spanish explorers : 1500 - 1600    1600 - 1700

Across the oceans
Spain in the Pacific
The Royal Army of California
Routes of the explorers en the Atlantic and Pacific
Trips of the fleet of the Indies between 1561 and 1699
The Spanish “Tercios” 1525 - 1704
The defense of Cartagena during the Jenkins’s ear War:The forgotten battle
Ships built in Guarnizo shipyard :1722 - 1768
Ships build in the Royal shipyard of Esteiro:1.751-1906
Ships build bu the Spanish Society of Naval Construcciones : 1.913-1947
Ships build by the National Company Bazán:1.947-200...

Página elaborada por: Vicente Sánchez-C.Merchán      

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